Managing Remote Workers
Effective Management of Remote Workers While remote workers were not uncommon, the coronavirus pandemic has forced some companies' hands into moving more employees into a work from home situation. Office workers are being asked to remain at home in isolation while organizations struggle to navigate the change. A recent survey [...]
The Importance of Retention Rate
The Importance of Retention Rate A recent analysis of 32 million LinkedIn profiles showed that there was a 76% chance of an employee still being at a company 12 months later. Retention rate is an important metric for Human Resource Departments given that retaining talent generally benefits the company as [...]
Managing Change in Times of Crisis
Managing Change in Times of Crisis Businesses today are undergoing rapid and massive upheaval as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic gripping the world. Many management teams are scrambling to adapt to two seismic shifts in their workforces. One, the move of employees to remote working situations and the changes [...]
Our Advantage, Speed & Efficiency
The OrgChart Now Advantage - Speed and Efficiency In this new video series, we introduce the advantages of OfficeWork Software’s OrgChart Now. Faster Navigation As anyone who has created org charts manually in programs like Visio, any drawing program, PowerPoint or even Word can attest, producing an org chart [...]
Managing with Co-leadership
Co-leadership is the concept of having two leaders equally positioned and sharing the responsibilities of leadership. Made prominent in British politics with the Green Party being co-led by Jonathan Bartley and Sian Berry since 2018 can the concept by applied more broadly in the corporate world? A research paper from [...]
The Impact of Contractors
Visualising the Impact of Contractors Most companies of size today balance a workforce of employees and contractors. According to Self-employed Australia, 17.1 per cent of the Australian workforce are self-employed, totalling 2 million persons. Loosely defined, an employee will just be working for your organization, generally works at your place [...]
Emotional Wellness
Your Employees & Emotional Wellness . Emotional wellness can no longer be ignored when examining the overall health of a workforce. In a 2014 TNS Social Research report it was found one in five Australians had taken time off work in the previous 12 months because they felt stressed, anxious, [...]
5 Reasons to Integrate…
5 Reasons to Integrate Your Org Chart into Your Intranet by Chris Meyersby Chris Meyers. Today's workforce is more mobile and distributed, and with workers now ever more likely to be spread across offices and time zones, it is increasingly difficult for people to connect with each other like they [...]
Making Sense of Your Data
Making Sense of Your HR Data with Org Charts The great power of modern organizational chart software is being able to make sense of the trove of HR data you already have. By importing the data into a centralized chart, data is transformed into something organized and visual which can [...]
Organisational Structure
3 Basic Types of Organizational Structure As companies grow the reporting structure changes. We’ve identified the three most common systems of hierarchy of the companies we work with. We’ve listed them below with a brief explanation: 1. Functional A functional structure is simply one that divides a company by [...]